Outlaw Pinewood Derby


Troop 41 Outlaw Pinewood Derby

All money raised for this event will help our Troop with membership fees, scouting supplies, materials, books, uniforms, and summer camp participation.

Racers are ages 18 and up.

Racers can build their cars or use a kit.

Car Specifications

Your car must be completely new.

All racing cars cannot exceed these dimensions due to the racetrack and gate.

·       Car maximum width including wheels and axles 2-3/4 “

·       Car maximum height 3-1/2”

·       Car maximum length is 7"

·       Maximum weight: 10.0 ounces

·       Graphite can only be used as a lubricant.

·       No motors.

·       All decisions by the inspection committee are final.

$25.00 Entry Fee includes Meal Ticket

$20.00 Entry Fee without Meal Ticket

Races compete for trophies, prizes, and the greatest prize of all…bragging rights!

Food and drinks will be available for purchase.

Location: Hawfields Civitan Club 2115 B NC HWY 119 S Hawfields, NC 27302 (Pending)

Date: June 21, 2025

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Troop 41 Outlaw Pinewood Derby

All money raised for this event will help our Troop with membership fees, scouting supplies, materials, books, uniforms, and summer camp participation.

Racers are ages 18 and up.

Racers can build their cars or use a kit.

Car Specifications

Your car must be completely new.

All racing cars cannot exceed these dimensions due to the racetrack and gate.

·       Car maximum width including wheels and axles 2-3/4 “

·       Car maximum height 3-1/2”

·       Car maximum length is 7"

·       Maximum weight: 10.0 ounces

·       Graphite can only be used as a lubricant.

·       No motors.

·       All decisions by the inspection committee are final.

$25.00 Entry Fee includes Meal Ticket

$20.00 Entry Fee without Meal Ticket

Races compete for trophies, prizes, and the greatest prize of all…bragging rights!

Food and drinks will be available for purchase.

Location: Hawfields Civitan Club 2115 B NC HWY 119 S Hawfields, NC 27302 (Pending)

Date: June 21, 2025